Thursday 24 June 2010

Gavin Bedford

Whatever I say will not do him justice
Rest In Peace
Here is a link to the article in the Gazette this week.
Gazette Link

(Picture stolen from Ivor, hope he does not mind)
An amazing guy that will never be forgotten by any one that met him

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Appropriate foot wear

I have never really been one to wear high heals or generally uncomfortable shoes. I obviously have occasionally and I think I own quite a few pairs I have only worn like twice and some that I have just worn in the house. I tended to wear shoes that were 'safe', that corresponded with the weather accordingly. So generally trainers or walking boots! N always refers to me as with walking boots and a waterproof, because I am prepared for nasty weather and I like to be ready. Part of my head thinking about things way toooooooooooo much.Being in Norway and through the long winter things have changed. I basically had to wear thick wool socks, perhaps two pairs and big ass boots to keep my feet warm and from falling off. The snow was here for so long, that when the snow began to melt, I began to wear any shoes that were not boots! I wanted my feet to be free. I know for a fact that I was not the only one that felt this. If you walked around Oslo after the snow had melted people were wearing little sandals etc, especially young girls. So now. I end up getting VERY wet feet/socks/shoes as I just can not be bothered to wear little wellies or sensible shoes when it is raining, or sensible clothes at that. I do some times take a waterproof with me, but I have enjoyed being able to leave the house without having 6 layers on my top and 3 layers on my legs! Haha. I have worn dresses as much as I can, I love it. Somehow the winter made me so much girlier :o Could also be due to the whole break up thing.... Or also just because the weather has been wonderful quite a lot recently.

In short, I like being free again, in a number of different ways.
My head still over thinks things, and I know that when I do not over think things, stuff just happens. And the stuff is good stuff. Stuff. Stuff. Stuff. :)


Monday 21 June 2010

Sorry no posts recently.
Friend has died so do not feel like talking as much as I usually do.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018

NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018

Friend linked it to me. Thought I would share.

Nothing left for me to say
There's no more wicked games to play
It's time for me to walk away
I am allright

I feel like I'm on a high
A new beginning that is my life
I'm turning to the rythm of the night
I am allright

The music is making me growing
The only thing that keeps me awake is me knowing
There's noone here to break me or bring me down
And noone here to hurt me or fool around

I have no more time for you to hurt my feelings
Done enough to prove I'm all that I believe in
We are at the end no more stupid lies
I'm better off without you here by my side

So no there is no longer you and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I
There is no longer you and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I

Don't care what other people say
I know you fool around all day
Now it doesn't hurt me anyway
I am allright

And when the day turns into night
I'm in a club forgetting you and I
And when I'm think of how you treated me
You proved me right

The music is making me growing
The only thing that keeps me awake is me knowing
There's noone here to break me or bring me down
And noone here to hurt me or fool around.

I have no more time for you to hurt my feelings
Done enough to prove I'm all that I believe in
We are at the end no more stupid lies
I'm better off without you here by my side

So no there is no longer you and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I
There is no longer you and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I - you and I
You and I

Monday 14 June 2010

We No Speak Americano

One of my friends in Oslo, Sarah, linked this a while ago, I added it to a playlist and now I can not get enough of it!

Sunday 13 June 2010

This, Jen, is the INTERNET!

This is an amazing geeky British comedy that I love. I have never watched it religiously like other series such as House, but every time I have watched it, I have been laughing my ass off and I have yet to find anyone that does not enjoy it.
The description:
Award-winning sitcom from Graham Linehan. Banished from the ivory towers of Reynholm Industries, the IT crowd lurk below ground, avoiding work and social contact in equal measure....
Channel 4 link -----> IT Crowd

So so so so so many good moments throughout of the seriesesesesss currently out. Here are a few that I love:

Jen: OK. Moss, what did you have for breakfast this morning?
Moss: Smarties cereal.
Jen: Oh my God. I didn't even know Smarties made a cereal.
Moss: They don't. It's just Smarties in a bowl with milk.
Youtube link

Jen: Now, I'll be honest with you, the reason I got you round a bit early is to go over a few ground rules with you. If this evening is going to work in any way, you need to pretend to be normal people, yeah? Keep the conversation about things that would interest everybody. You know, nothing about memory or RAM.
Moss: Memory is RAM!
Youtube link

John: I don't think that's true.
Jen: With all due respect John, I am the head of IT and I have it on good authority. If you type "Google" into Google, you can break the Internet. So please, no one try it, even for a joke. (the executives laugh) It's not a laughing matter. You can break the Internet.
Youtube link

Do not need to quote this, just have a watch!
Youtube link

And Lastly and my most fav!
Jen: What is it?
Moss: This, Jen, is the Internet.
Jen: What?
Moss: That's right.
Jen: This is the Internet?
Moss: [Moss is nodding his head]
Jen: (suspiciously) The whole Internet?
Moss: (agreeably) Yep. I asked for a loan of it, so that you could use it in your speech.
Youtube link

I hope this gives you a little insight into an infectiously awesome British comedy if you have yet to discover it. The new series is being aired as of Friday the 25th on Channel 4. I am so looking forward to being able to watch this series on a TV back in the UK. Oooooh! Will miss the first few episodes though.

Side note: True Blood new series tonight! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Love it. Found it so funny when I got A to watch it :p Silly wall posts I got from him about the DOG at silly O'clock in the morning. Special people in my life. Never to be forgotten :D

BryonyRuth Xx

Weekend 11/13th June

Oh yes, It is 1.30 I am still laying in bed. Lush. I have been up for hours but have nothing else better to do and since I have a laptop, I do not need to leave my bed. Loving the lazinessssss!
Not done this properly for AGES. Not since the break up anyway, normally would have got up and showered and such then sat back down at the laptop :P

Been sat here talking to a few people, about nothing amazingly interesting but lovely all the same.

My weekend has not been amazingly eventful but I have loved it, thankful for my life.

Friday, yes, babysitting. When all boys were in bed from 10 ish, I decided to try and have a serious sort out of my photos, both on my external and facebook. I then spent the next 4 hours doing that. Haha. Loving remembering all of the memories! I reduced my albums on facebook from like 52 to 20 something. I did not delete any photos of course! I re-arranged them into years etc, little upsetting that A detagged himself from all photos but they are still on there so I know my time with him was not IMAGINARY :P Gooooood times! I also found some blooming hilarious pictures that I will never put on facebook! V and Jac in their bras in some pub toilets! Hahaha. Looking forward to the summer!

Saturday. I slept till 10 ish, woke up before then but sleeping on and off till O decided he wanted to come see me. Hehe. Bryony sover. Yes O, Bryony is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeping! Bryony gå seng. Haha. He loves to tell me what to do and control everyone. Obviously does not get his way every time but its cute!
I slacked about for a bit then. Had a shower and got ready to go meet Matt, the lovely Scottish guy I met at church :) Was meant to meet him at 2, but I was late :O We headed to the National Gallery, I am not really a gallery person but it was nice, as I had not been in there before. We wandered about looking at the art and talking about various things. Work, university and future. Headed out to get some 'coffee' (I do not drink this!). Walked down to Aker Brygge. Drew some stuff on the floor with chalk! Saw people playing Human Fuzzball.We finally decided on the Chess cafe, yes I seem to go there a lot. Thanks to Mael for introducing me to it! We played chess (very slowly and did not take much notice, hence I lost..... Not won in AGES), talked religion, God and various other stuff. It was refreshing. I have never had a conversation like that before. Headed home to get ready to go out to watch the football with S and her boyfriend.
So... Football, what the hell! :P I only went to keep S company and to actually get out of the house! It turned into a VERY enjoyable evening. The conversation was so funny. S had a number of stories about different things. S has known her boyfriend for a LONG time, and has been speaking to him for a very long time (She is British, he is Norwegian) so she knew him when he was still in school, Russ and such. The friend of her boyfriend that she met for the first time yesterday, she knew loads of stories about him and I think for her it was VERY surreal. Rather amusing when she came out with stories that neither of them remembered. Girls have good memories :D
Things we talked about:
Phone boxes.
Not peeing.
Pros and Cons lists! Hahaha.
And so much more!

S was very excited about being on my blog :D:D:DHome rather early. Lay in bed doing stuff on my pc, watched an episode of Tudors and fell asleep about half 2. And now is my slack day. Shall run tonight. Been wayyyyyyy too long.

Hope your weekend was great too.
BryonyRuth xx

Saturday 12 June 2010


Posting Addict.

Now with Tumblr.
BryonyRuth Tumblr



I have not had an amazingly exciting week. It has been fairly busy with the family during the days but then relaxed in the evenings. I have sat in my room thinking a lot, which in some ways is bad but is also useful. Lets me get a little perspective of things and what is important for me.

Things I have done....
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday were kinda bad days. Stuck in my head. Feeling I am worth more than the way a certain someone treated me, but I was happy at the time (except for the complaining and moaning) so I should not think that I was treated terribly, but more on the fact that things just did not work out.
I went to Vigelandspark with O on Monday morning, we played in the play ground and ran about. It was a nice distraction.
Wednesday, I got 'asked' to go for a walk at 8 in the evening, so we met at 9 in Majorstua and headed to Sognsvann. I had never been up there and even though the weather was not amazing, it was really nice and had an interesting talk. We sat on a jetty going into the lake and ate some chocolate. Got home quite late-ish.
Thursday I went to D's. I had to get out of the house and make myself do something and D is now in the UK for a few days, so was nice to see her before the weekend. We watched Youth in Revolt. We were meant to see Sex and the City 2 at some point but we just have not got round to it, maybe I'll wait till it is out on DVD. We also made pies, or rather D made pies/pasties. They were cute and really rather yummy! I headed home early to give D a chance to pack and such, although she did not :P Last minute packing! Hahaha.
The boys got some awesome treats Thursday evening. A new climbing/swing set thing and a football goal to go in the garden.

Friday I baby sat. It was a long ass day, I may complain but seriously this is not like a proper job so I should not. Looking after children is hard though and one can get rather lonely, I am just glad I can give them back :) Kudos to all of my friends that have kids, especially the ones that are single mums! Anyway, I had O for a huge amount of the day. And the other boys on and off. Since O had a nap so late I also put him to bed an hour later than usual, so yes, long day. It was ok though, just the weather that was nasty. The thing I would like to complain about with Norwegian schools in comparison to schools in the UK is that the times for school each day changes! Like not just the start time but the end time. Like some days they finish at 12.30 and others 2.30. Some kids go to Afterschool club (SFO) but not every day. I just find finishing school so early odd. Like in Primary school in the UK, 12.30 is half way through lunch time, not home time, and they have already had their lunch boxes in school before they are home at 12.30.

Baking - Lots going on in this house this week.
Tuesday – Fairy cakes with pink butter icing, marshmallows and smarties.
Wednesday – Fairy cakes with simple green and pink icing with smarties and hundreds and thousands.
Thursday – Raisin buns.
Friday – Chocolate chip cookies.

Week summed up I think. Pretty crap and not very interesting :)

Have a nice weekend peoples!

Thursday 10 June 2010

Local boy in the Photograph to Number 1!

There's no mistake, I smell that smell
It's that time of year again, I can taste the air
The clocks go back, railway track
Something blocks the line again
And the train runs late for the first time

A pebble beach, we're underneath, a pier that's just been painted red
Where I heard the news for the first time

And all the friends lay down the flowers
Sit on the banks and drink for hours
Talk of the way they saw him last
Local boy in the photograph

He'll always be 23, yet the train runs on and on
Past the place they found his clothing

There's no mistake, I smell that smell
It's that time of year again, I can taste the air
The clocks go back, railway track
Something blocks the line again
And the train runs late for the first time

And all the friends lay down the flowers
Sit on the banks and drink for hours
Talk of the way they saw him last
Local boy in the photograph

He's gone away

This is a little post to increase awareness of a group on facebook that wants to make this song 'Local Boy in the Photograph' Number One as a tribute to Stuart Cable.
Here is the Facebook link to the group --- > Linkylinklink

You can buy/ download the song from a number of places.




and of course iTunes

It is the same deal with the Rage against the Machine to Christmas Number One.
If every Welsh person downloads it, it'll at least get into the charts.

R I P Stuart Cable





Wednesday 9 June 2010

Yesterday = Bad day

I am told they happen. It is not something I can avoid with this broken soul. The run the night before, I hoped would make me feel better when I awoke, but it sadly did not. The rain finally came in the early hours. My windows were open and I woke to it. I just lay there in the relief, listening to the heavy rain. It felt good. Like I was not real. Like I could just float away and not have to think about all the stuff than runs through my head every hour of every day.

Ever wonder if it's forever, the moment passes,
but I feel you now, all the way down
So I'll try not to breathe as I hold my head still,
the light bends on my face, there'd be tears if I cried
And I'll try not to think what the happy things were
I just think of the stuff that just made me shit scared
And I'll just close my eyes and I'll see everyone
that I'm leaving behind for the dawn of the sun
And I'll try not to feel, yes I'll try not to feel,
and I'll try not to feel on the way down.
(Biffy Clyro – All the way down)

Every night before I fall asleep I think about what it was like to lay in A's arms, to cwtch up to him, to feel loved, to nap, to realise he had been awake the whole time I had been sleeping. Then sleep comes over me for the whole night..... I do not regret doing this. I see no problem with it. It helps me sleep and I know in my head it will never happen again, with him anyway. Yes it hurts a lot.

Today I am doing a lot better. Music is finally helping, yesterday I tried from one extreme to the other in music genres. Nothing touched me.

Side notes:
We made cakes yesterday for the 8 years old 'avslutning', end of school party thing. They were seriously lush. O kept trying to stick his fingers in them. Made me giggle, but also had to move like a ninja as at one point he grabbed the whole tray of them and was pulling them off the table.

Oh and while cleaning I heard a plane that sounded really low so I went to the window to look at it. AND …. had one of the most spectacular 'Whats that outside the window' *SMACK* moments, ever. Literally full face print on the glass. I even had coloured lip gloss on.... Amazing.

Not many plans for the coming week/weekend. Well maybe a few. Hehe. And I am sure I'll update this like a crazy person as usual.

Have a great week, and yes we are half way through one. When I was younger I decided I wanted to get married on a Wednesday just to be different. That changed when I actually thought I would get married but I like the fact that the thought was there that I wanted to be different :P

Monday 7 June 2010

Stuart Cable

Rest in Peace
Former Stereophonics Drummer.
Found dead early this morning.
Only aged 40.
Video of Kelly Jones talking about Stuart.
Wiki link

Lummer – Sultry ~ Norwegian word of the day.

I have been waiting for a thunder storm all day, the weather has been very 'close' today. I was hoping to go out and run in a HUGE down pour. But no such luck. It just turned into a VERY sweaty run. I am really in the need for a nice run in the rain, but its been super awesome summer weather for ages now. Not complaining about the weather but I think me and the ground could do with a good watering. Becoming more stuck in my head recently, again. Not sure it is about A. Or even if it is about me. I just can not figure out anything whereas I am usually really sure about everything. I am having a stupidly hard time picking what to wear each day. It is a mess. I am happy. I am living my life. Just..... something. Not quite me. Sure it will come with time. Do wonder a little what happened to me. I know the real Bryony is here somewhere, just seems to take a while to find.


Sunday 6 June 2010

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th June

Weather has been amazing, lovely and hot. Makes me not want to leave Norway, or Oslo for the summer anyway. Lots of people here are suggesting I stay here for a bit long, especially to get a job and save. I guess I will have a look after depending on how bad the job search goes in the UK.

My Saturday involved.....

Music. Bath. Sun lotion. Short shorts. Thin tee's. Sun glasses. Laughing. Muffins. Trikk. Music. Cider. Ice cream. Smiling. Laying on the grass. Sun. Feeling my soul becoming complete again, a bit at a time. Music. D's. Gryte. Tv. 16 and pregnant. Crying. Laughing. Cider. Linn's. Pimms. Americans. Vodka. Music. Running. Full bus. Cameras. NRK. Jekylls. Dancing. Music. Laughing. Drinking. Apple sourz. Dancing. Walking. Talking. Moaning. Pretending to be pregnant. D's sofa. Sleep.

Laying in the sun with my angel glowing white legs, love it! :D Pretending to be a little pregnant on the way home!

My Sunday involved.....

Shower in a not so great shower. Music. Bus. Home. Cleaning. Eating. Dancing round the house. Bus. Frustration. Doctor who. Vincent van Gogh. Crying. Church. New friends. Laughing. Sheep riding. Bag pipes. Kilts. Bunads. McDonalds. Bus. Music. Home.

My summarised weekend

Saturday 5 June 2010

Feel gooooooood!

Ready for a lovely day! Enjoy!

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99,

Wear sunscreen

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists,
whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own
meandering experience.
I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh never mind, you will
never understand the power and the beauty of your youth until they've
faded. But trust me, in twenty years, you will look back at photos
of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now, how much
possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.

You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future or worry that know that worrying is
as affective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble
gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never
crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindsides you at 4 PM on
some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other peoples' hearts; don't put up with people
who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you're ahead, sometimes
you're behind.
The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults.
If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters; throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted
to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I
know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to knees, you'll miss them when they're

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'Funky Chicken'
on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate
yourself either.
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body.
Use it every way you can, don't be afraid of it or what other people
think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room.

Read the directions even if you don't follow them.
Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents.
You never know when they'll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings.
They are your best link to your past and the people most likely to
stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go.
But a precious few, who should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, for as the
older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalible truths: prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old and when you do, you'll fanaticise
that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were
noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse but
you'll never know when either one will run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're forty, it
will look eighty-five.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply
it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing
the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly
parts and recycling for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.

Post and div.

My parents finally forwarded some of my mail. Yes after I have been here for nine months.... Haha. Well, the post was not amazing and although it did not make me cry, I could have quite easily. Go back a few weeks and I would have cried for hours about how much of a mess my life is..... oh dear! Anyway the post contained a number of things, mainly bank demands/notifications, student loan statements and tickets to a gig that is tomorrow that I am not going to for a few reasons.

Student loan statement, as of Aug/Sept 09, GREEEEEEAT! I owe £15,444.55 and the interest is just going up and up, without me paying any of it back...... Luckily I do not have to till I am earning over £15,000 in either Norway or the UK, so I am not overly bothered currently.
Rage against the machine Tickets. This is what made me the most depressed. Like SERIOUSLY! GAH! Its tomorrow and I can not go.

1.Lack of money to travel back and forth to the UK.
2.Sam is starting his PHD on Monday so he could not go swanning off to London for the Sunday.
3.I know no-one else going and I do not think it would be a good idea going alone.
The only good things are that they were free..... and that I can keep the ticket for my future scrap books I will make at some point. I have kept so many little things from when I was 13 till now :D Memories!
Musikkfest! <----Link.... Today! Something to fill my body with music goodness! Exciting!

Side note:
Had some people over for Pizza and such last night. Was super nice. I made more muffins too. Tried Sing-star (Practising for my big brothers fiancées second hen do!) In Norwegian! HILARIOUS! The fact that I can not sing mixed with trying to read Norwegian fast..... hahaha. And then Guitar hero for a very little time. Cam can play expert! Think she is the first girl I have met that can :P

Have a wonderful day in this beautiful sun!
Do not forget the sun lotion. Cancer is bad!
BryonyRuth xx

Friday 4 June 2010

Beginning of June

My head seems to be making sense most of the time now so I have not felt the need to write many new posts. Before I would be looking after O and thinking in my head what I wanted to write my next post about, or perhaps sitting there writing a drafted version ready to put it up when I had read it through. Yes, rather obsessive, but my feelings of worthlessness, unwanted-ness and all the other sh*t has subsided considerably over the last few weeks. I still miss having my best friend more than anything, telling A about the little things that I find funny and hearing about the silly things he does/thinks, and all the other stuff that comes with being in love. When one gets into a routine its hard to break it, I still sit at my pc some evenings wondering where the f*ck I went wrong There is no point in wondering about what would have happened if I did things like this or like that as I think I took enough chances :)

I am keeping myself busy and generally feeling better about myself as a person. I am finally able to get some strength from myself, rather than other people, ie A. I think being in a city alone where I could not run back to my parents has helped me grow up a lot, not taking anything away from the support that I have got from people though! I am not so scared of trying new things as much as I was before.. Not that I am reckless or anything, just the worry of the future is not as over bearing on my decisions as it was before.

Had a busy week, work wise. Lots of looking after all three boys and with the weather being amazing, they are 10 times more crazy. Haha. Enjoyed it though, I should sleep a bit more. I had 13 hours sleep from Sat to Tuesday so was a little bit zombie-ish, but only because I am used to my 8 hours. Now I have got used to not sleeping :P Not been very well either, head cold and ear aches and such, but I did not let it make me feel down or even sleep more, even though I should have. Been waiting for the weekend to come!

Yes other things.
Running...... I do not actually look that red but I was! And very sweaty! Good times!

Cakes...... Muffins while watching masterchef. NOMNOMNOM

Time for the weekend!
Take care of yourselves.

Wednesday 2 June 2010


Been out around for a while now, but I love it so I thought I would share. Awesome like so many other pendulum songs! Love starting a run with this one.

When I'm falling down
Will you pick me up again?
When I'm too far gone
Dead in the eyes of my friends

Will you, take me out of here?
When I'm staring down the barrel
When I'm blinded by the lights
When I can't see your face
Take me out of here
Take me out of here
Take me out of here
Take me out of here

All I believe, and all I've known
Are being taken from me back at home
Yeah do your worst, when worlds collide
Let their fear collapse, bring no suprise
Take me out of here

Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me

Just stay where you are.
Let your fear subside
Just stay where you are
If there's nothing to hide

Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me
Feed the fire, break your vision
Throw your fists up, come on with me

BryonyRuth Xx

Tuesday 1 June 2010


So here is my post about Eurovision.
Many people can not understand the 'ODD' people that like Eurovision. I say like in a loose way, as there are a number of different ways of 'liking' Eurovision but I think I shall explain the British way.

In the UK, Eurovision has never ever been taken seriously for as long as I can remember. It is a bit of fun, to have a bit of a party and take the mick out of the countries in a harmless way.

The person that voiced over the Eurovision song contest in the UK up until 2008 was the legend that is Sir Terry Wogan. He just made fun of every single thing, but in a joyful non nasty way. I think in other countries the commentary is rather serious. Ei said that in the Norway it is nothing like what me and D described it in the UK.

Such a funny video. Infact watched this in Norway when I was visiting A. Hilarious even without Terry Wogan talking over it. And twelve points goes to Sweden.... HAHAHA! I think having lived in Norway I have slowly picked up the ability to take the p*ss out of the Swedes. Oooops. I do not think that other countries talk over the presenters anywhere near as much they do in the UK. Graham Norton now does the commentary, I was not looking forward to it, but it was rather good. He is gay, I think in other countries (Not sure about the UK) a lot of gay people enjoy it for its flamboyancy. That is what a Norwegian friend of mine said anyway.

There is also the people that genuinely like the music. Some of it is good, but I would not want to listen to it every day, except ...... Alexander Rybak - Fairytale Hahah! I joke I joke!

Here is one of the best moments of Eurovision 2010! Actually amazing. A little awkward to watch but if you keep with it, its really kinda motivational? :/ Hehe.

Get on the Eurovision train and enjoy it. You might find you like it. Ei definitely got more into it after we kinda made him stay. Haha.
BryonyRuth Xx

Tropical Storm Agatha

Over 100 killed in tropical storm
Large volumes of water has led to an enormous crater in Guatemala City
Link to Norwegian news
Link to English news
Ei linked this on his facebook. The photo is insane!
BryonyRuth Xx