My Saturday involved.....
Music. Bath. Sun lotion. Short shorts. Thin tee's. Sun glasses. Laughing. Muffins. Trikk. Music. Cider. Ice cream. Smiling. Laying on the grass. Sun. Feeling my soul becoming complete again, a bit at a time. Music. D's. Gryte. Tv. 16 and pregnant. Crying. Laughing. Cider. Linn's. Pimms. Americans. Vodka. Music. Running. Full bus. Cameras. NRK. Jekylls. Dancing. Music. Laughing. Drinking. Apple sourz. Dancing. Walking. Talking. Moaning. Pretending to be pregnant. D's sofa. Sleep.
My Sunday involved.....
Shower in a not so great shower. Music. Bus. Home. Cleaning. Eating. Dancing round the house. Bus. Frustration. Doctor who. Vincent van Gogh. Crying. Church. New friends. Laughing. Sheep riding. Bag pipes. Kilts. Bunads. McDonalds. Bus. Music. Home.
My summarised weekend
Hope hyou are staying!!!!