I have been waiting for a thunder storm all day, the weather has been very 'close' today. I was hoping to go out and run in a HUGE down pour. But no such luck. It just turned into a VERY sweaty run. I am really in the need for a nice run in the rain, but its been super awesome summer weather for ages now. Not complaining about the weather but I think me and the ground could do with a good watering. Becoming more stuck in my head recently, again. Not sure it is about A. Or even if it is about me. I just can not figure out anything whereas I am usually really sure about everything. I am having a stupidly hard time picking what to wear each day. It is a mess. I am happy. I am living my life. Just..... something. Not quite me. Sure it will come with time. Do wonder a little what happened to me. I know the real Bryony is here somewhere, just seems to take a while to find.
am super excitied to find out that sultry is 'lummer' so using that tomorrow! I just hope the weather holds :) x