Saturday 5 June 2010

Post and div.

My parents finally forwarded some of my mail. Yes after I have been here for nine months.... Haha. Well, the post was not amazing and although it did not make me cry, I could have quite easily. Go back a few weeks and I would have cried for hours about how much of a mess my life is..... oh dear! Anyway the post contained a number of things, mainly bank demands/notifications, student loan statements and tickets to a gig that is tomorrow that I am not going to for a few reasons.

Student loan statement, as of Aug/Sept 09, GREEEEEEAT! I owe £15,444.55 and the interest is just going up and up, without me paying any of it back...... Luckily I do not have to till I am earning over £15,000 in either Norway or the UK, so I am not overly bothered currently.
Rage against the machine Tickets. This is what made me the most depressed. Like SERIOUSLY! GAH! Its tomorrow and I can not go.

1.Lack of money to travel back and forth to the UK.
2.Sam is starting his PHD on Monday so he could not go swanning off to London for the Sunday.
3.I know no-one else going and I do not think it would be a good idea going alone.
The only good things are that they were free..... and that I can keep the ticket for my future scrap books I will make at some point. I have kept so many little things from when I was 13 till now :D Memories!
Musikkfest! <----Link.... Today! Something to fill my body with music goodness! Exciting!

Side note:
Had some people over for Pizza and such last night. Was super nice. I made more muffins too. Tried Sing-star (Practising for my big brothers fiancées second hen do!) In Norwegian! HILARIOUS! The fact that I can not sing mixed with trying to read Norwegian fast..... hahaha. And then Guitar hero for a very little time. Cam can play expert! Think she is the first girl I have met that can :P

Have a wonderful day in this beautiful sun!
Do not forget the sun lotion. Cancer is bad!
BryonyRuth xx

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