Not done this properly for AGES. Not since the break up anyway, normally would have got up and showered and such then sat back down at the laptop :P
Been sat here talking to a few people, about nothing amazingly interesting but lovely all the same.
My weekend has not been amazingly eventful but I have loved it, thankful for my life.
Friday, yes, babysitting. When all boys were in bed from 10 ish, I decided to try and have a serious sort out of my photos, both on my external and facebook. I then spent the next 4 hours doing that. Haha. Loving remembering all of the memories! I reduced my albums on facebook from like 52 to 20 something. I did not delete any photos of course! I re-arranged them into years etc, little upsetting that A detagged himself from all photos but they are still on there so I know my time with him was not IMAGINARY :P Gooooood times! I also found some blooming hilarious pictures that I will never put on facebook! V and Jac in their bras in some pub toilets! Hahaha. Looking forward to the summer!
Saturday. I slept till 10 ish, woke up before then but sleeping on and off till O decided he wanted to come see me. Hehe. Bryony sover. Yes O, Bryony is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeping! Bryony gå seng. Haha. He loves to tell me what to do and control everyone. Obviously does not get his way every time but its cute!
I slacked about for a bit then. Had a shower and got ready to go meet Matt, the lovely Scottish guy I met at church :) Was meant to meet him at 2, but I was late :O We headed to the National Gallery, I am not really a gallery person but it was nice, as I had not been in there before. We wandered about looking at the art and talking about various things. Work, university and future. Headed out to get some 'coffee' (I do not drink this!). Walked down to Aker Brygge. Drew some stuff on the floor with chalk!
So... Football, what the hell! :P I only went to keep S company and to actually get out of the house! It turned into a VERY enjoyable evening. The conversation was so funny. S had a number of stories about different things. S has known her boyfriend for a LONG time, and has been speaking to him for a very long time (She is British, he is Norwegian) so she knew him when he was still in school, Russ and such. The friend of her boyfriend that she met for the first time yesterday, she knew loads of stories about him and I think for her it was VERY surreal. Rather amusing when she came out with stories that neither of them remembered. Girls have good memories :D
Things we talked about:
Phone boxes.
Not peeing.
Pros and Cons lists! Hahaha.
And so much more!
S was very excited about being on my blog :D:D:D
Hope your weekend was great too.
BryonyRuth xx
famous at last ! :D <3