Wednesday 26 January 2011

Update due.

Here I lay in bed. Can't sleep. Loads of things running through my head. I haven't posted a proper post in months. Not because I haven't wanted to, not because I haven't done things but mainly because my head has been working so I haven't needed to write stuff down. I haven't started writing again because my head is a mess, I have because I wanna. Lots of stuff has been happening. Hmm. Where to start?
Current situation has changed completely to that in June etc. I now live in exeter with my lovely boyfriend. I am STILL currently unemployed and have been since I returned to the UK from Norway in July! Poo sticks. I started going out with my new boyfriend, who I will call Coyne, at the end of August. He was working in Ipswich at the time and I was at home in Wales with my parents. I met him while I was at university, he was in my second year geography tutorial class. There was a little something, butterflies or shyness etc, then but neither of us acted on it then because of different reasons of which I won't divulge....(I was on a relationship :P) anyway so time plodded on and following a few messages we decided to meet up in July when I was back home in Wales.
Fast forward a few months. Coyne got a new job in exeter, me and him discussed me moving down there with him. As we didn't want to spend anymore time apart and the current search for a job in south Wales was not going too great, we both swiftly took to the idea and we .moved down here at the end of November. Coyne is just about settled into his job, the place that we live is nicest and we are slowly getting to know the area. I have applied to a good few jobs but have had no such luck recently. I have been rather useless with my job applications, the last month or so because of Christmas, and ofcourse that the general fact about sending millions of applications just to not even receive rejection notifications is... full on over poweringly depressing. I've got back on it this week so fingers crossed I'll get something.
Tomorrow I have my first driving lesson in over 5 years and I think this is primarily the reason why my head is spinning and I can't sleep. I've got to the point that I'm actually scared of driving. I know the theory behind driving a car, but the actual physical activity of doing it... we will see. When I was 16, I could not wait till I was 17 so I could learn to drive.17 came and went, 18 arrived and I finally sorted out my license. I had a few lessons and I went to uni, where I thought I'd pick them up again, I didn't.4 years went past at uni, then I went to Norway for 10 months. Moved home and now... in January 2011... i am taking more lessons and I will get my driving license as soon as i can!
Think I should have another attempt at sleeping now. Will write again soon. God bless. Bryonyruth Xx
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