Thursday 27 January 2011

Driving... lesson one.

So. Driving lesson was ok. My instructor is really nice, he was born in turkey but brought up in hackney so he has a strong London accent. I'm learning to drive in a fiat 500 its not so bad, controls wise. The gears are high up which is a bit weird but its ok.

First lesson was basically getting the car to move and stop. How hard! Haha. I only stalled a few times :P I was ok finding the biting point and moving, got better at actually stopping smoooothly. The only problem I had was I kept only putting the hand brake down about a cm so the car moved fine but it wasn't fully off so I kept getting told off a bit. Hehe.
Heading home this weekend, which shall be nice. The Plowman is going swanning off around the world for a bit so she is having a little shindig. Good times.
Over and out for now. Xx
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