Monday 31 May 2010


Ok so there are quite a few people that I mention that I just give simple letter nicknames to but to form some kind of list might help you follow. I will remove their names if I am told they are not comfortable with it being on here.

T - My middle brother - Toby
V - My best friend from home - Vicki
D - Oslo awesome Friend (British) - Dixie
L - Oslo Friend (British) - Lindsay
S - Oslo Friend (British) - Sophia
A - My ex norwegian boyfriend (Most recent) - Andre
Al - Dixie's Friend
K - Oslo Friend (Irish) - Katie
JMP - Ex boyfriend
DJG - Ex boyfriend
GB - Ex boyfriend
N - Close friend from Uni - Tash
O - The littlest boy that I look after.
Bedwin - Did not use a code for him, friend from Uni.
Sam - Did not use a code for him either, friend from home.

People that have not been mentioned yet but are in the photos or other.
W - D's flatmate - Winfried (He complained that he had not :P)
Y - Oslo friend (British) - Yasmine
Ei - D's flatmate - Eirik
Te - D's friend in Oslo - Tine

Think that is most of the people that I have mentioned and that are in the pictures on here.
Dunno if it helps other people, but this is going to help me :P

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