Monday 31 May 2010

Busy busy end of May.

Hai Noodlecakes.

My gosh I managed to go a whole 2 days without writing another post.

So last post was a little little little bit emo. So time to pick myself up and think about myself and others, rather than people that do not care about me and not to worry so much.

Friday I had a LONG day. Not unexpected so just worked it. Was meant to be going to meet K with the two little boys that she works with but the middle boy that I look after was ill at home from school so I could not head off into Oslo. Not an overly interesting day. Cooked hot dogs for dinner for the 3 boys that I live with and another two boys who were their friends. Sat down to eat and the father of the family came in and basically said.
'Ok, we are going to Tusenfryd, hurry up and eat'.
It is a theme park in Norway, apparently the biggest but it is not that big :P Pretty doable in a few hours if the queues are not too bad.

This pretty much sums up my excitement! Love it! Huge escalator goes up and overhead a roller coaster! :D
Went on a few rides with the boys, had popcorn, pretty awesome.

This picture is sooooo cute. Such a silly ride, hehe!

Saturday - EUROVISON

Party. People. Flags. Biscuits. Tv. Songs. Music. Singing. Dancing. Strawberries.
Vodka. Wine. Coconut milk. Cream. Cinnamon. Raspberries. Ice. Red hands. Cheering. Laughing. Smiling. Flirting. Talking. Walking. Trains. Waiting.

Dancing. Laughing. Walking. Pizza. Talking. Taxi. Sleeping.... for like 3 hours, cleaning the flat and heading home.

Me, totally not being able to look cool. Sofa bed.

BBQ på Langøyene med D, S and Al.

Good laughing times.
Cards. Food.
Chocolate bananas.
Variating weather.
Popcorn. Ferries.
Photos. Awesomeness.

Feeling so good about myself after the weekend. Full of lovely people, new and old.
Good question I got asked. 'Why do I still care?' When you can not give that a good answer, it is time to move forward.

BryonyRuth xx

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