Monday 24 May 2010

Weekend 22 - 24th May

Hangover day 22nd!
One of the worst hangover days of my life. Except the 10th of June 2005, the day after Vic's 18th! Sixth form ball dress shopping with my Mum and Vic after drinking two bottles of wine and just remembering screaming outside the pier/apollo about how much I wanted my ex... Haha, repetition! I saw him the next day though, so completely different to the mess that was Friday. My friends had the sense to take my phone off me and tell him to f*ck off when he came :P
So Saturday I woke up and N was lost, I was home, nothing made sense. Stuff kept coming back to me, not the words but the 'feelings', messed up crap! Can not take shit back, no point in regrets. It is time to move forward. Me and N slept a lot of the day when she finally got back, even though we were meant to sightseeing and the weather was rather nice. When N got in she took the ice cream out of the freezer and gobbled some but fell asleep with it out. So I had to get out of bed :P We had to head to D's to collect our stuff but we did not end up doing that until 6 ish? We walked outside, N in a nighty, me wearing shorts and a tee, it started raining, we could not be f*cked to go grab a coat. At the moment in time we both wanted a thunderstorm to come and make us feel something better than what was going on with us then :P Sadly sudden down pour did not come, but the little bit of rain was nice. We stopped in 7 eleven for N to see how much cigarettes/tobacco etc were. The man behind the counter was so funny. He just said 'All you need to know is that it is f*cking expensive'. It was not like we were the only customers in there, which is what made it so funny. As we walked down to the bus stop, we saw the bus pulling away, f*ck that, we were not going to run, haha. So just stolled down at our own pace. Got on the bus. I got charged for a child ticket. I had no make up on and I was seriously hungover, awesome :D Had our jiggle exercise. Walked to D's. Got into her room, figured out that everything we were missing were in there. Including some of the drink/crisps etc from the previous night. I do not really remember much after the shot that Jonas gave me.

So I am surprised how the f*ck I got down 4 flights of stairs. Eventful afterwards ofcourse......

Looking at the pictures the next day was so funny. This is in a bar that I do not really remember going to. We had beer?! Mess.
So headed home shortly after collecting our things. Tried to avoid people... Haha.
Home, was nice. We went back to bed. N fell asleep before me. And I wish I had taken a picture. She fell asleep basically spooning the sprite bottle. Loved it! I thought she was awake, but nope! We slept till 10 ish in the evening Finally felt something similar to what I should :P Made some chips, got some crisps, sweets and drinks and sat down to watch Hot Rod. The main guy, Andy Samberg (Part of The lonely planet peoples) many people will recognise him from a number of videos/songs! He is rather fit in some ODD way. Totally surprised I did not discover this movie before. N is amazing at making me feel better and she knows exactly what I need. If only she was into girls :P She was surprised that we did not spoon though! Haha. Jealous. Bed times then!

Tash leaving and a trip into the fjord to Langøyene with a friend.
N set an alarm for 7, she managed to get up, I slept till 8. It is actually shocking that we were able to sleep for so long on Saturday and still not want to get up Sunday morning! Haha. Tried to consume some alpen, managed 2 mouthfuls. Mess. N had to rolls with honey. Packed everything up. Walked to the bus stop. Again managed to just watch the bus leaving. Got to the bus station in Oslo. Met my friend outside the central station with N. Walked N to her bus stop so she could get to the airport. Then we headed to the ferry part, to get the ferry to Langøyene. There were a lot of people waiting to get to the islands. Waited a while, ferry was pretty fast. We headed out on to the island to explore a little. It was glorious weather until we got there. We could see the rain coming in from over the sea, but we kept walking. We finally turned back and headed for shelter, although already pretty wet. Stood there talking for a bit till the shower finished. Sun did not take long to come back out. Started to walk to find somewhere to sit and such. We found a really nice spot, sat there talking and eating the picnic.
Did not realise how hot the sun was :P I talked a lot, probably a lot more than I should, not that I think it mattered. Any body that knows me at the moment will always receive large rants about the crap that goes through my head! No going back in time and no regrets. Just more learning. We headed back to the *main* land about 4. Went for a nose in the Eurovision village.

Was not too exciting but there were a few things there. We then headed to a coffee shop. Had hot chocolate and played chess! Everything was chess themed, I had never been in there.

I lost the two games. Damn I suck at chess! I was just making everything symetrical! Went back to my house to watch a movie. Ended up watching Little Miss Sunshine and Bourne Ultimatum Enjoyed both of them, had seen the Bourne one before though. My friend headed home 11/12 and I got into bed to sort a few things. Watched some Fringe and Dr Who, also talked to an ex boyfriend of mine, helped me look forward rather back....

Chill day.
Monday, the family were still away at their boat so I had a mostly chilled day. I sorted my room and some music. And obviously been writing this.

Still hurting inside but trying to change how someone views me will not help. I am who I am. He is who he is. He will always be in my heart and part of what made me into the person I will become. I wish him a super happy life! At the beginning I did not want to see him happy without me, but now I would rather know he was happy without me in his life. Take care, A. xx

These happen, I can not stop them. Sometimes when I do not remember them I can wake up happy but a lot of the time I wake up and the realisation spreads over me. It is getting better. Day by day. Some seem so real. It is a bit like having night mares every night :/

BryonyRuth xxx

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