Saturday 22 May 2010

History Repeating itself.

People that do not think about past moments in time will often repeat the things that made their lives crap before. A person needs to reflect on the past to be able to move forward and try to not make the same mistakes. Blaming other people works for a while. But when you see history repeating itself you should start to worry. I have looked at my past relationships and figured out why they did not work. I do not blame the other person and I do not blame myself. Somethings are just meant to work out differently to the way you hope. With past relationships I have often not let myself think about the problems and moved on straight away with some one else. Now its time for me learn, about me and about the people I fall in love with.

Hearing stories from one side of a relationship makes being objective about that relationship impossible. A few years ago when a certain someone went through a break up I thought at the time that it was the other persons fault. But when you can draw conclusions that are very similar, you can see that history is repeating itself.

People do change. You can not expect them to. You can not make them. People change because of other people. If you see faults in people you always think that they do not matter and that you are the person in their life that they will change for. Reasonings behind breakups are difficult. Only the two people will know what really happened between them. Focusing too much on the bad things can make someone go crazy, but on the other side of the scale, someone focusing too much on the good things can make some go coo coo crazy too.

With A, I changed a lot. I became a lot stronger and felt that with him supporting me I could do anything. These changes were positive. I was always been supportive of him, excited for him and wanted him to do the best he could at everything. I rarely asked for much, except for support and love back. Over the time that me and A were together, I changed but he did not. He did not grow with the relationship like some people do. I am not saying that as a bad thing, and I am not using the excuse of that we grew apart as the break up reason. I am just saying that I was willing to change everything about my life and structure to make us a happy couple. He started to florish over the last few months before we broke up, he started to view life differently and get out. He started to move forward in some ways but his life no longer included me. People do not like to be confined to rules and metaphorical boxes. They will always try to break free from them. I was ready to give myself completely to another person.

I hope that people learn from the past, and that they are able to be objective from both sides of relationships without judging the other person. Of course people want to show that they are supportive to their friends but I see no point in bad mouthing the other person. Unless they are cheating scumbags.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel like you are worth something. Asking someone to make you feel special. I tried every day to make A happy. I feel that I did a lot.

There are a whole load of thoughts in there that I have tried to connect together, but I have not done a very good job so it may be a little hard to read and understand.

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