Friday 21 May 2010

20th of May.

The last few days have been up and down. The last month or so has been up and down but to less of an extent. Like previously it was down down down with a little up but now I seem to have developed bipolarismness. I am totally broken down and then I am laughing my head off, talking like im drunk and acting like a stupid crazy person. I am not sure it is a good thing, because the super highs mean I have super lows when everything hits me again.

I miss my best friend...... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! (A!)

Best day so far since the break up. (Not including the weekend that A came to make things up to me, or so I thought........ Best good bye kiss EVER! Meep!)

I worked the morning, so 7 - 930. Slacked in my room and headed to Majorstuen to drop in on N. We left D's flat, N having to go via the window as we did not have the keys to lock the front door. AMUSING! I have plenty of pictures but I fear death if I put them on here! Facebook though, perhaps! We went for coffee/hot chocolate/cake other. Chatted and arranaged what we were doing for the day, to N's dislike :P I am a planning person damn it! We then went to the post office. Sent some stuff. And headed into Oslo to go visit the Domkirke.
We got a little distracted, damn Oslo and its H and M on every corner! I really like this hat. Totally my new gardening hat.... now I just need to go buy it! Pity about the rest of the outfit ofcourse. Made it to the church. Went in. Had a look around. Not particularly amazing but nice to look at in some ways. Popped into another H and M while we figured about where to go to get to the Film museum. I bought a butterfly clip to go with the placement that I applied to. (DO NOT GET HOPES UP BRYBRY)

Went to the museum and I just could not be bothered with it, so I sat in the movie part while N went around having a look at the interesting things there. I had a nice facebook message from a friend that made my day get so much better. Thanks for that. And I hope you know who you are! Picture is just pretty cool :P

Afterwards we headed up towards the palace. The sun came out and I just kept stripping off more and more clothes. Is nice!
Police cars and cars with blacked out windows from down from the palace. King?!

Me totally trying to get on Dutch TV with their eurovision contestant behind me! Oh dear!

Me and N sat on the statue outside the palace for a while just chatted and watching people pass. Including the change of the guard and more eurovision people!

We were meeting D at 3.30 as she had been in work, so we headed down to the National Theatre. There were girls in little 'nurses' outfits giving out free cokes! D missed the first Tbane so we had to wait a bit longer for her, while sat on the fountain.
There we sat watching people. We commented on the people passing. We decided who was hot and who was not. I never stopped doing this while in a relationship and I sometimes did it while with A, ie. which girl do you prefer the one with the blonde hair or the one with the brown hair. I always trusted him and myself completely so it was never a worry about whether they were better than me or not etc. Commenting on whether that girl or boy is hot is perfectly fine to me. But like anything past looking at people freaks me the fook out. I do not want to kiss anyone other than A. I know it will fade the longer we are apart and the fact that he does not want me ever again sinks in more but I know for sure I am not ready for any sort of relationship with anyone. It was nice to be able to look though with N, she made me feel safe. Even though she was basically giving me a cigarette and telling me to go up to the hot guy opposite us to ask him for a light :P *girlie giggles* It was like being 15 again!
D finally arrived and we headed to the History museum. It was nice, a little boring and rather small but nice! I took multiple pictures of myself in a mirror, one of which is now my profile picture on facebook.
N drew me a picture, which I shall be writing a blog about sometime!!

Once we had finished we went outside and D's friend was meeting us. Another british girl in Oslo, who has a Norwegian boyfriend. She is lovely. I will call her S in this. We were all pretty hungry and tired so we went back home to make some food. We made tacos with chicken mince and roasted spiced vegetables for N and nachos! Pretty darn awesome. I was a little manic last night. Super up up up. Makes me fall harder.... Anyway. Pictures of FOOD....

Yes. So..............................................................................
Yummy. Then we talked for a bit. N went outside for a cigarette and her pulling power is insane. She managed to get us an invite to a party for tonight with a hot guy that lives in D's building. D is away for the weekend so we have now stolen her room and are going to pretend we live there so we can go to the party on floor 4! :P Will be nice to meet some new people. I should not drink because I do not trust myself to not call A, text him how much I love him, etc etc and it is not what he wants to hear :( But I think I will drink and just leave the phone downstairs.

Too much for one day.
Shall stop now!
Do not go dizzy from Bryony's terrible English.
BryonyRuth xx

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