N arrived on Tuesday. I was in work and her phone decided it did not want to work in Norway. She phoned me from the train station and I told her to phone D as I was working and D could meet her to help her with all the stuff. Especially since N was staying with D, not me for the first two days. There were a couple of reasons behind this.
1. I totally forgot she was coming .... so I had not told the family I work for that someone would be staying.
2. D lives in central Oslo so not outside like I do.
3. I still needed my evening time to have a bit of a cry and cuddle by my self.
It worked out all nice and D did not mind at all, but I think some of it may have been out of politeness :P Thank god for lovely british people! Hehe. Thanks D! Muchoes!!
I was working until the evening, then I went to D's for 7 ish to see them. We ate food and chatted. We talked about the break up. We talked about a lot of it, the relationship, the issues, the wants, the needs, the un-sure-ities, the sure-ities, the loves, the hates and the rest that is in between. It felt so good to have someone from home. I headed home quite late and finally got home about 11. I didnt go to sleep straight away and instead finished my Cv and applied to the placement I had been trying to apply for, for the last however long. *fingers crossed*
Next day was pretty lovely but stupidly busy. Busy from 7 to 20.30. But thats my job so I do not complain! Everyone except me and O had left the house by 8. Me and O got ready to leave the house to go meet N to go the Vigelandsparken. The weather was predicted to be awesome and it was insanely super! Me, O and N. Did a lot. Was lovely and although I talked about A, a lot, I did not have to think about it and get myself upset in the same way.
Feeding the geese was also about taking chances. I am not sure how well you can see me in the picture above but I was pretty darn scared. It may be a VERY small thing but it was another thing that I felt I could be proud of my self for doing. One goose was totally trying to eat my hand!
After Vigelandsparken, posing with statues etc etc. Me, N and O headed towards the Tbane. We got some buns and coffee and I got a new drink that looked a bit yummy. As I have not been sleeping much recently I thought I would give it a try.
We then went to the Opera house for N to have a gander, did not stay there for long as O was getting tired and super warm in his push chair. We got the Tbane home, O LOVES trains so he was enjoying it. He started thinking it would be funny to continuously shout 'HOW BIZZARE' on the train, which N also replied to. Made me laugh a bit :P Made it home, O went down to sleep eventually after deciding to poo as soon as I put him down for his nap. The middle boy that I look after was meant to be going to SFO (After school club) but he decided he did not want to so he came home at 2 (Just as Olav was down for a nap). This meant that I did not get a nice little break. SO then straight on to helping him with his home work, sorting the washing and trying to cook dinner. I was so hot. The weather was lush and because everyone had been out of the house in the morning, no windows had been opened etc so literally a sauna. I felt sweaty all over and my clothes were sticking to me. I forgot what it felt like to be that warm! I got so used to having to put 6 layers of clothes on to just be able to go for a walk without thinking some limb would fall off. O did not sleep for long, so had four crazy boys in a boiling hot house. Hectic! Got the 8 year old to help me make some ice tea. It turned out to not so good. He accidently put the mix into the water that I was cooking for peas so cold ice tea turned out quite boiling hot ice tea. We popped it in the freezee and added some more cold water. It was ok for when we came to actually eating. Made dinner finally and the mum came home. Sat down to eat. I made a lovely shepards pie with roast vegetables and peas. N just had veggies and mash, silly vegetarians :P
Got a little break after dinner so me and N sat outside having a cigarette and then headed down to 7 eleven to get a film for later. The mum went to a meeting for 7 so I had all three boys again. I gave O his food, gave him a bath and put him to bed finally at 7.45. D came round and we were sat upstairs till the mum came home at about 8.30. Chatted for a while. Went downstairs with D and N. We put 'The imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' on, but did not really watch it. Ate a crap load of ice cream and ranted about crap and looked at terrible terrible horoscopes but apparently me and N are going to have a SUPER romanitic weekend. D and N left about 10-11 and I sat up for another few hours. Watched house and wrote more blogs about crap! I hope I will catch up with my days soon :P
You may have realised that in recent posts I have taken to making up new words. It is rather amusing for me.
BryonyRuth xx
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