Monday 26 July 2010

The days within July 2010

This is just a little post about the things I have been up to during July. Not really interesting and its more of a little journal for me, but still May have missed out some events and I am truely sorry if I have forgotten to include something/someone!!!

The first of July I woke up in Wales after a rather emotional end to June. Spent the next 8 days travelling across Europe with my parents and baby brother. See previous blogs for photos and details :)

Home, back in Wales/UK and the events.

Saturday the 10th

Party at V's. Rose wine. Best friends. New friends. Pretending to have sex. Laughter. Motorcycles. Drawing on each other. Beach. Skinny dipping. Rain. Broken bones. Pyjamas. Duvets.

Best friends! Good times!

Cartwheel times!

New friends! Good times!

Monday the 12th

Spent some time with V and Bec. Went to the hospital. Waiting. Laughing. Broken bones. Texting. Homeward bound.

Hosptial times!

Tuesday the 13th

Lunch with JP. Nomnomnom. Food. Naps. Cooking. Best friends. Laughing. Chicken. Cheese cake. 16 and pregnant.

Thursday the 15th

Up the shop with my big sister. Flowers. Coffee. Crowns. Peanut butter on toast. Burning. Van. Riding in the back of the van.

Crown times!

Friday the 16th

Spending time with V. Day time telly. Trisha. Laughing. Talking. LOVE my best friend!! Jess's. Meeting Baby B.... at last! Talking. Catch ups. Breast milk. Other. Home. Food. Pub. Brother. Cider. Old friends. New friends. Chips. Cheese. Drunkness. Talking. Sleeping. Waking. Sleeping.

Pub times!

Saturday the 17th

Stress. Shopping. Arguing. Slowness. Food. Clothes. Meeting my sister and Cat in Culver house cross. Driving. Changing in the car. Lost. Lanes. On the verge of crying! Parking. Seeing old friends. Meeting new friends. Fosters. Tents. Candles. Fire. Paddling pool. Vodka. Squash. Spoons. Cards. Music. Cwtches. Sleeping.

Monday the 19th

Lunch with Jac and T. Waiting. Lateness. Food. Talking. Giggles.

Ginger car ness!

Tuesday the 20th

Slacking. Organising. Packing. Butterflies. Travelling. Cardiff. Good friends. Hotels. Changing. Wine. Food. Good times. Talking. Laughing. Realising how drunk I get from VERY little wine, STILL. More wine. Hotel. Talking. Sleeping........

Wednesday the 21th

Sleeping. Slacking. Showering. Packing. Breakfast. Talking. Religion. Shopping. Trying on bras for the wedding. 3 hours later..... Air bra! Not saying good bye. Travelling home. Guide touring. Lala. Cooking. Muchos talking with parents. Tv. Late night Tesco visits. Sleeping in separate rooms.

Thursday the 22th

Slacking. Coffee making. Washing clothes. Huge breakfasts. Talking. Laughing. Saying things you should not when eating. Walking. Talking. Gardening. Tortoises. Walking. School. Home. Bus. Meeting D!!!!!! Talking. Walking. Bus. Home. Chinese. Eating. Talking. Slacking. Showers. Baths. Tv. Anchorman. All of us falling asleep half way through the film. Waking up. Settling in bed. Sleeping.

Friday the 23th

Waking up. Slacking. Talking. Sorting. Slacking again. Finally leaving for 'breakfast' just after 12. Eating. Talking. Laughing. Ice cream. Tarmac beach. Rocks. Fish. Sea Anemone. Home. Sorting. Bus. Train. Saying bye and leaving a train. Sad times. Cardiff. Shopping. Talking. Dresses. Marks and Spencers. Food. Talking. Walking. Waiting. Sitting. Saying Bye to D! More sad times. But next time I see her will be in Tromsø!! So exciting times to come! Train. Waiting for Daddy. Home. Food. Slack. Bed.

Saturday the 24th

Packing. Sorting. Travelling. Waiting. Trying on Bridesmaid dresses. Talking. Home. Making conversation. Getting ready. Sainsburys. House. Wine. Beer. Cider. Bubbley. Babies. Games. Willies. Food. Talking. Laughing. Cakes. Home. Sleeping.

Sunday the 25th

Sleeping till 11.30! Breakfast. Croissants. Jam. Talking. Slacking. Wedding talk. Seating plans. Transport. BBQ. Food. Talking. Babies. Car. Music. Home. Slacking. 3 hour phone calls! :D Sleeping.

And here I am, on the 26th. Only a few days left of July in 2010.

Wonder what the following days will bring :P

I love all the new people I have met and have thoroughly enjoyed catching up with other old friends, either being from school or from uni or other, and still plenty more I need to have a catch up with!


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