Thursday 29 July 2010

My breakfast date with the Suz.

I thought I would write a bit about my wonderful morning that I had with Suz! Haha.
We decided to go for breakfast this morning, last night. I was a little late having a bath etc this morning so I left the house a bit later than hoped but managed to make it to meet Suz at just gone 11. She was sat on a bench facing out towards to the sea. Looking beautiful as always, playing on her phone, wearing a wonderful straw hat and with head phones in. So we headed for breakfast......Align Centre
Mini breakfasts. Without tomatoes or beans but with extra hash brown. With baked beans. BEANS. Mochas.
Do you like black pudding?

No. Lets try it together.
*Clanging forks together as we both try a little of our black pudding!
* Hmm not sure. Shovelling beans into my mouth.
Nomnomnomnomnom. Laughing. Talking. Sex. Naughties. Boys. Exs. Stories. Details. Trains. Taking a sip of mocha only to basically spit it out while laughing but failing to so... it coming out of my nose, and only knowing it came out of my nose because I checked the tissue I used to cover my face! Laughing. Thinking about juice. Walking.
Tarmac beach. Sitting. Laughing. Talking. Posing. Jumping. Suddenly remembering a thing I needed to show Suz. Heading to my house. GAPYAH. Laughing. Dog barking. Laughing. Dancing.

It really was a great morning! For a number of reasons :) But it was missing ONE HUGE FACTOR the lady that is V!

xx BryonyRuth xx

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