Monday 24 May 2010

Quotes over the last few weeks.

Recently I have been down down down and finding things funny infront of people was hard, some of the time I just forced myself laugh, just so I would seem ok. There have been some good moments over the last few weeks and a lot of them I have forgotten but at the time, I was like, I should soooo mention that in my blog. Not that I care about whether it makes others laugh, it makes me laugh/happy, therefore I blog it.

Me - "Shhhhhh I am peeing now...... No, f*ck."
This was on the phone to A after breaking up but me having trouble letting go (also him giving mixed feelings) so I phoned him a lot when I should not have. I was meant to say, "So talk because I do not want you to hear me peeing" but for some messed up reason I said "Shhh".

Bedwin - "I'd like to find out if they shout something different."
Bryony - "Shout?"
Bedwin - "Yeah"
Bedwin - "You probably havent shagged any asians so its understandable that you might not know."
Me and Bedwin discussing sleeping with other people after both of our f*cked up breakups. Not that either of us are ready to take that step but it was darn funny.

Me - "I feel bl**dy bipolar manic."
S - "Its ok, as long as you can see that you are mad, you are fine."
After an evening with D, N and S. Me cooking food and being all controlling of other people and generally feeling like I was crazy drunk.

Me - "Bryony wants to feel worth something :( "
An - "Ah, the feeling will pass Bryony."
Me - "The feeling does not seem to be passing, stuff just seems to be getting worse."
Mike - "NO just NO i wont allow it /slap"
Dad - "I didn't bring you up to think like this, get a wooden box, stand on it and poke the lanky Norwiegian in the eye, make rude noises at him, fart in his general direction, you are worth everything in the world beautiful Bry"
An - "Lovin your dads advice but would like to add, give em a swift kick to the knees while getting down from said box."
This was a facebook status, there were more comments but I thought I would just include these ones, hope people do not mind I missed out their comments!

N - "How much are cigarettes?"
Shop assistant - *Can not remember amount said*
N - "Ok, and How much is tobacco?"
Shop assistant - "All you need to know is that it is f*cking expensive."
N realising she had run out of tobacco and thinking about whether she could go a day without smoking or not.

N - "Lol you are hilarious, frankly im suprised you didnt get spooned, totally unlike me so for that im sorry! I totally spooned the sprite though, jealous!?"
In a message off N after she got home safely.

Sam - "Which song did he ejaculate to then?"
Talking about the influential music in my life, hahaha!

I will probably add more later but now to go hoover and mop the flooooooors :)
Muchos kisses,
BryonyRuth xx

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