Sunday 9 May 2010

09.05.10 Sunday Roast


I have had a great time today. I went to sleep quite late last night, even though I was not out very late and I was not drinking. Woke up a few times during the night, and finally got out of bed about half 9. Tidied, arranged and started sorting stuff for the Sunday lunch I was cooking for D and L :) I only arranged it as a last minute thing, so not many people came but it was lovely anyway. Me and D bought the food yesterday but we were not sure who was coming by then, so we ended up getting quite a bit more food than what was needed.

I think the food turned out pretty good :)

I just roasted the pork normally in the oven, I did not bother trying to get some crackling on the top :( With the pork, there was roast potatoes in their skins, carrot and suede mash, carrots, cauliflower, gravy and home made apple sauce. I forgot to do the peas and I had also run out of sauce pans by the time I had noticed.

Things that could have been improved:
1. Crackling!
2. The vegetables got rather cold by the time I actually ate them :P
3. Thicker gravy.
4. Remember the peas!
5. Cook the suede and carrots for a bit longer before mashing!

And then we had strawberry and cream for dessert :D

Yes I like a lot of cream and a lot of sugar with my strawberries :P

BryonyRuth xx

Ps. Forgot to meantion this. D reminded me of a video that is rather funny. Had not seen it in a while and had forgotten it!
F**king Matt Damon


  1. Looks like you guys had a good time :)

  2. Yes, sorry we continually punish you with photos of Sunday roasts Mike!

    And yes it was lovely, thank you very much Byrony. x

  3. I shall invite you another time Mike! If there is another time before I leave Oslo :(

    Glad you enjoyed it L! :) xx

  4. I read your blog! and now I'm going to add it to my google reader so I never ever miss a life event! :)

    Roast was delicious!

    Dixie x

  5. Haha, Life event! Yes, because my life is THAT exciting :D Xx
