The plan =
My last night in Oslo was pretty awesome. Simple but totally made me not want to leave.
.ღ.Beach.ღ. BBQ.ღ. Friends.ღ. Ducks.ღ. Laughing.ღ. Volleyball.ღ. Pain.ღ. Awesomeness.ღ. Falling asleep within seconds.ღ.
Managed to bruise my arms and knuckles quite badly while 'playing' volleyball (Not that visible but blooming painful), enough that I thought I had broken something especially when I woke up :p Thos said It didnt look like I had. Being dramatic is fun sometimes. Left Oslo on a flight at something past 9 in the morning on 29th of June. Left the house a little past 6 in the morning to get a bus from Lysaker to Torp to catch my flight. Slow ass bus journey but because I was so tired it went rather fast. Passing in and out of sleep and sending a number of texts to certain people let me forget the time. Flight was normal. Was sat next to a Norwegian couple, they asked me if I spoke Norwegian, I said a little which led to awkward moments of my slowness. It was all good though, I enjoy being able to understand people even if it does take me a little bit more time than others :) Got into Stansted, walked rather slowly and sat down outside the arrivals bit and sent my parents a message. 'Are you guys able to pick me up?' Yes. It is completely unlike me to not have arranged all of the stuff I was going to do, but since I had only booked my flights the night night before I had not even told my parents really what time I was landing or anything. Thankfully Dad was on his way already and so I was not sat there long. Then the long journey home to Wales. Me and Dad agreed not to get food until we got to about Reading services. (Never mention Reading services to my mother as she then goes into a rant about human prostitution and trafficking) At the services we popped into M and S to get our lunch, which was sandwiches and other bits of bobs. I had a chicken and stuffing sandwich. Very British. And veldig NOM! First time I had been in a proper shop in Britain in 6 months, found people actually speaking English very surreal :P I know I do not speak much Norwegian while in Norway and the majority of my friends in Oslo are in fact English, but it still feels completely different to being in the UK.
Next next day was the 30th of June. My first day back in Wales. Can not physically get out of bed. Flu! Got up and staggered down the stairs to go to the toilet. I was so weak I could barely flush the toilet. Climbed back into bed and slept for as long as possible before I had to get up to get ready for Gav's funeral. Bath was good, though I had to clean the bath before running the water. Dressed and searched my room for the cross that Gav had given me for a birthday present. Had a bit of an emotional break down as it took me a while to find it. Went downstairs to find my parents and wait for Spam to arrive. Do not particularly want to talk about the funeral stuff. Amazing guy. Wonderful send off. I wrote in my previous blog what happened for the rest of the day.
Road trip.....
Thursday -
Left the house at 7.30, was meant to be 6.30 but my family are not the most organised people. Drove towards Dover. Me and Flea slept most of the way. Dover – time was short we got on the ferry just in time..... France. Drive drive drive. Headed to Belgium. Tried to find the hotel but the satnav sent us round and round in circles so took us a while. Bowie had already arrived at the hotel before we had! Finally found it, got changed a little and headed to my Dad's friends place for food etc. Really lovely. And my gosh he has a lot of instruments! Hahaha. Good fun! Bag pipes an all.

Friday -
Travelling from Belgium to Germany via Netherlands. Long ass car trip. Over 35 degrees but thankfully we have Aircon in the car :) Stopped over in Hannover for a little walk and a wander. Caught the last ish bit of the Netherlands Brazil game :P Iz nice. Went to a cute little café where the people barely spoke English and none of us speak any German really, so it was fun ordering :) I had banana beer stuff and a cake with strawberries and almonds on. Nomnom!
Amazing German to English translations for fire instructions!
Saturday -
Hamburg to Denmark.
Drove to Haderstav to meet my Aunts Dad. Nice and everything except he does not speak any English, only Danish. And I speak basic Norwegian. Which led to me trying to translate but also looking rather confused a lot of the time, although I was not as confused as my parents and brother. Love how when British people do not speak someone else's language (Which is a VERY British thing anyway :P) we just do this thing where we speak English REALLY loudly and think people will understand us better :P We then drove on to Frederikshavn for the night as we were catching the ferry to Oslo in the morning. Stayed in a nice hotel with free internet. Always the thing I look for with a hotel :D
Sunday -
Denmark to Oslo.
Up early to get the ferry to Oslo. 8 hour boat trip. Long asssssssssssssssssssss. We did not have a cabin as because of Gavin's funeral the trip was delayed by a few days so ferry reservations were changed and it cost more to include cabins. It did not matter. Slacked a lot of the time in the restaurant area, on my laptop or reading or talking or just not doing much of interest. For the last 2/3 hours I went up on the top deck to watch the ship coming into the Oslo Fjord. BEAUTIFUL!
Monday –
Oslo to G
Left Oslo. Not nice. But meh. Happens. Headed to Sweden. Arrived in Göteborg quite early, checked into the hotel and headed out for a look around the city. We went down to the sea and Mum wanted to go look at the Military boats that are there. Spent a while doing that. Rather funny, as me and Theo did silly things :P
Tuesday -
Not enough sleep again. Sat on MY puter for a while in the morning. Added some photos to facebook. I have sååååå many :P Got into the car. Slacked and slept :D Woke up when Dad started slowing down into a town. When I woke up I had been dribbling. Lush. Had a lovely buffet lunch in a cute little place in Halmstad. Headed back to the car and set off again towards Malm
Oh and BIKES! Absolutely loads of them. They even have their own proper little lines and traffic lights here. Not sure I like this city. Seems really busy compared to Oslo, stressful and such.
To be continued!
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