So I thought I would do a little mini review of my own!

I really enjoyed it! Gotta be one of the best super hero movies I have seen, maybe because it was not people with made up abilities (Not bashing Superheroes!) but real people wanting to make some sort of difference.
The action in the movie I loved, I loved the way it was shown/directed even though it could be a little graphic at times. I was hooked all the way through the movie, and loved all the little story lines running in it.

Chloe Moretz has got to be the best young actress I have seen in a while! I also saw her in (500) Days of Summer (IMDB), and loved her little charater in that too! Also her as Hit-girl could be a little scary in real life!

It is rated 15 in Norway which I think is definately appropriate given the violence shown within it, I would not advise the 12 year old that I look after to see it, just yet. Even though I am sure he would love it! :P
Would recommend this film to any one, but if you are not into geeks, super heroes or violence maybe not your cup of tea.